Friday, June 22, 2012

Educational Uses of Polldaddy

I am a third grade teacher as mentioned before and I think Polldaddy would be an excellent addition to any classroom blog or telecollaborative classroom project. One of its most basic features can be very powerful and that's the ability to create simple online polls that are motivating and spark discussions. The online polls can be on any topic that's relevant to in-classroom discussions or activities you are working on with collaborative partners. The example I gave below is an opinion question on favorite characters in the story "Charlotte's Web". We read this story as part of our LA curriculum and for this activity students can vote on their favorite character using Polldaddy and then create a blog entry telling why they chose that character as their favorite. The poll simply adds a visual and fun aspect to the learning objective of character analysis because they get to see if their favorite character is everyone else’s favorite and I'm sure they'll make it competitive! In a telecollaborative setting students can create and exchange polls with their partner classrooms and use the results to compare and contrast cultural differences. There are countless ways to use online polls and I'm excited to add Polldaddy to my classroom blog next year!

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